Our Proprietor Mr. Raveendran Iyengar has vast experience and knowledge in the fabrication Industry.
He has worked in M/s. Vijay Tanks & Vessels in India for more than 16 years. 8 year in workshop and 8
years in all Site Projects across India in a Managerial Position in 1980s and 1990s. As well as he was AWS
Certified QC Inspector in 1987.
In his period of working under his supervision he has handled lot of Site fabricated Storage Tanks, LNG
Tanks, Spheres, Piping Projects and in workshop Pressure Vessels, Xylos, Heat exchangers and variety
Structural Projects.
So we have great network across the Globe in this fabrication Industry.
We can provide all sorts of Skilled & unskilled Workers and all kind of staffs for this Industry.
We provide Manpower for these industries from running projects of all over India.